awaken hope theme image girl standing free in a field

Rescuing Dreams. Protecting Destiny.

We invite you to be a source of hope – a shining light of rescue and freedom for those who need it most.

Without Hope.

The concept of a child without hope is almost too heartbreaking to comprehend.

Join us for a deeply personal conversation with our International Rescue Director and witness undercover surveillance footage, offering a window into the stark and distressing realities of child trafficking.

Content Warning: The following content contains sensitive images and themes of sexual abuse and violence. Viewer discretion is advised. Rated MA 15+.

What is a Matching Appeal?

A matching appeal involves a generous group of donors committing to contribute substantially to a matching fund. Once this fund is established, we encourage supporters to donate, promising to match their contributions, dollar for dollar.

fundraise for destiny rescue

Every dollar you give will be matched, meaning your generosity will make twice the impact.

1 in 3 people will give more to destiny rescue

Your gift into the matching fund will inspire 1 in 3 donors to make larger donations.

people are 84% more likely to give during a matching campaign

During matched campaigns, our supporters are 84% more likely to make a donation.

Be Part of the Matching Fund.

Join the mission to transform 460 lives and rewrite their destinies. Together, let’s make a world of difference.

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

You can awaken hope

One-Time Donation Amount:

Donor Information:

Billing Information:

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Donation Received

Thank you fighting for freedom. You’re now a part of a worldwide team that is helping to rescue and restore the sexually exploited. You’ll receive regular updates on the impact that your generosity is enabling and the lives changed because of you.

We’d love to get to know you more!


Please consider direct deposit for your contribution as it incurs no fees for us – allowing more of your donation to directly benefit the field.

Westpac: Destiny Rescue Ltd
BSB: 034-001
ACC: 508 426
REF: Fund [Your Surname]

Kindly send the remittance details to [email protected]. This will help us identify your payment and issue a receipt.


Each child we rescue is more than a number.
They are living, vibrant souls bursting with personality and potential.
But left captive in exploitation, they are stifled and abused, their voices silenced.

Tony Kirwan
Destiny Rescue Founder

Give rescue and freedom this Christmas!

Over 1 million children are sex trafficked, but together we can provide rescue and hope.
