Rescue Update:  5 Rescued in Raid; One Offers to Help Future Operations!   –   Five victims were rescued alongside law enforcement in the Philippines.
Please take a moment to watch our Documentary
‘Border Interception’.
This suspenseful feature illustrates Destiny Rescue’s work to find and free children from being smuggled across the Nepal Border and into a life of sexual exploitation.
Of the 40 million people ensnared worldwide within modern-day slavery, almost half are trapped within one major South Asian nation. The majority of these are young women and children who have been trafficked into sexual exploitation. Every year countless thousands are being ruthlessly smuggled into this country to meet the ever-growing demand.
Border Interception documents the inspirational work of female Destiny Rescue agents in Nepal as they patrol border crossings to cut off this supply line to a neighbouring nation on one of the world’s most prolific human trafficking routes.
This film reveals the tactics used by trafficking gangs to source and smuggle their prey out of Nepal, and demonstrates the ingenious techniques employed by Destiny Rescue agents to identify and intercept those unsuspectingly caught up in this web of deceit.
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You can give the gift of freedom to children around the world.