
Have fun while doing something meaningful.

Start Fundraising to Make a Difference

Join us in making a meaningful impact through fundraising for Destiny Rescue. Your support is crucial in our mission to rescue and restore children from exploitation worldwide. Whether you’re running a marathon, hosting a bake sale, or organising a community event, every effort counts towards providing safety, education, and a brighter future for vulnerable children. Explore our fundraising resources and start your journey with Destiny Rescue today.

We have a new Fundraising Hub!

And it’s so simple to use!

It will only take a few minutes to set up your fundraising campaign.

There are no limits to how you can raise money to rescue those enslaved. You could give up birthday presents, run a marathon, host a documentary screening or even shave your beard or cut your hair.

Have fun while doing something meaningful.

See how easy it is. Click here

Every kid is worth the risk, worth the love, and worth the cost.

Jessica Pamer’s Story

Jessica Pamer’s life changed when Destiny Rescue visited her church. Knowing that children were being sold and abused, she couldn’t sit back and do nothing. She and her family took action and those actions have set multiple children free.

We’re here to help!

Contact us if you have questions or ideas about online fundraising.