
In Australia, Destiny Rescue strives to
educate the public about human trafficking
and the sexual exploitation of children.

Part of our mission is to help Australians make a united stand against the abuse of children and prevent this crime from occurring. Every person who hears about our work is another who will carry the flame to help end child sex slavery
in our lifetime.

Together, we can play a leading role in this journey.

In 2022, five million homes saw our Television commercial to begin the conversation.

Many came forward to find out more. There are so many more Australians we want to help understand the issue and their role in stopping it.

Click left to watch the TVC.

When you join our database, you strengthen our ability to sway governments, corporations and other large organisations to move in directions that stop child exploitation, including the online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC) and educate their workers on how to protect children. As a large group, we can make a difference in the lives of these children.


We unite Australian’s to stand against the trafficking and abuse of children by:

– Engaging Technology

– Educating Corporates

– Petitioning Government