
Trafficker Tactics Around the World

Learn how traffickers trap their victims.

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Providing Care for Trafficking Survivors Affected by Trauma

Faces that once seemed incapable of smiling now light up a room.

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Celebrating a Year of Rescue in Zimbabwe

In the last year, dozens of Zimbabwean children have made a joyous change: they are no longer victims!

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Pushed to the Edge: How Desperation Fuels Child Exploitation

With no other options ahead and countless duties on their shoulders, they’re left with two terrible options: exploitation or starvation.

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Daily Desperation: A Day in the Slums

How does a child care for their siblings without financial support to survive?

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What happens after rescue?

A successful rescue doesn’t end when a child is removed from exploitation. That event is only the first step in a process that will help her stay free.

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Ten Dollars or Less: Geneva’s Journey

When Geneva’s father left them, taking the family’s only source of income with him, life as Geneva knew it quickly crumbled.

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Shona’s Success Story

After rescue from exploitation, Shona found a reason to get up in the morning.

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From the Frontlines: Zimbabwe

“My life has changed; every day, I make some money to take home.”

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