Known as the world’s best safari destination, Kenya is home to 50 beautiful national parks and reserves that house diverse wildlife.
Lack of access to education, extreme poverty and child-run families put children at risk for trafficking and exploitation in Kenya.

54.9 m

Language: Swahili & English
TIP: Tier 2
Destiny Rescue finds and rescues sexually exploited children in Kenya by canvassing streets and villages within slum areas. After rescue, children enroll in our reintegration programs which provide trauma rehabilitation and economic empowerment.
Sex trafficking
and exploitation
in Kenya
Kenya has a relational, friendly and close-knit culture, but poverty, hardship and trauma can damage family structure and children’s wellbeing.
When multidimensional poverty weighs as heavily as it does in Kenya, there are limited opportunities and difficult circumstances to overcome to provide for one’s family.
Children without the means to meet their needs often endure sexual abuse in exchange for necessities for survival: food and shelter. Many are from child-run families and have no one to care for them–all while often caring for younger siblings by themselves.
In 2023, Destiny Rescue’s work in Kenya accomplished:
Latest rescues in Kenya
I would like to thank the rescue center for helping me and helping my mother to start a business so she can pay my school fees. Because of their help, I’m able to continue with my school. I’ve always been at home for a long time without going to school….and now I’m continuing my education.”
Nekessa, 15-year-old survivor from Kenya
Our work in Kenya
Survival Rescues
Rescue agents, male and female, connect with children trapped in prostitution on the streets and help them safely exit that life of exploitation. Our teams also rescue and care for child survivors of sexual abuse and other related crimes.
Community Care
Survivors work with their caseworker to secure a safe living situation. Counsellors conduct in-home visits as needed. Survivors then attend regular classes taught by our staff in trauma rehabilitation, discipleship and business – all while attending individual and group counselling. While attending classes, survivors receive meals and monthly food packs as they work toward economic security, alleviating a great deal of the financial burden that initially drove them into exploitation.
Economic Empowerment
Survivors can choose a vocational path from options such as tailoring, hairdressing or cooking taught by local vocational schools so they can pursue safe jobs. Parents or guardians of younger survivors are empowered and equipped to launch small businesses to support the children’s education and other daily needs.
After Rescue
Stepping into a life of normalcy and independence is the ultimate victory! Our staff works with children towards a sustainable life of freedom.
We have formal partnerships with organisations dedicated to assisting vulnerable children within their communities. Destiny Rescue fully funds and executes all rescues and rescue strategy, reintegration programming structure and direction for all survivors alongside our partners in Kenya.
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We operate rescue and reintegration programs in multiple countries across the world. Learn more about our mission to help end child sexual exploitation and trafficking in our lifetime.
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