31 people were rescued from human traffickers at the Nepal Border

Our heroic border agents stopped human traffickers from escaping the country with 31 victims!

The traffickers had targeted victims of all ages, most of whom were young adults, but we also managed to rescue 5 children. Two of the children, just 2 and 7 years old, were being trafficked out with their mothers.

Traffickers in Nepal lure their victims with promises of love, lucrative careers, or a better life. Once our agents shed light on their true purpose, victims and their families rarely prosecute the criminals because of the shame that comes with the admission.

But one of these brave families decided to press charges this time, and the trafficker was arrested! We hope more families will follow their lead in putting these traffickers behind bars. You can read more about Rescue at the border on our blog.

Rescue Update Archive

36 Survivors Enroll in Freedom Plans in Africa

36 girls from three countries bravely accepted freedom from exploitation.

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All were enduring sexual exploitation just to survive. Only three were able to attend school; the rest had been forced to drop out. Among the survivors are six young mothers with babies of their own.

The future will be challenging, but our hope is that they’ll be prepared to face those challenges as free girls and women.

While enrolled in our programs, survivors have the opportunity to reengage their education, either in school or skills training. Last month, a survivor from Uganda said, “Now I have hope. I have learned more about God, and I have a skill (tailoring)!”

6 Cambodian survivors working toward a life of freedom

Five children and one young woman are starting new lives free from exploitation.

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By beginning Freedom Plans, these survivors will not only benefit from the expert care of our compassionate caseworkers, but also work through economic solutions that will address their unique vulnerabilities so that each survivor is equipped to stay free.

Residential Home Welcomes 23 New Survivors

23 girls between 14 and 18 years old are healing in a safe environment.

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Networks of informants in rural villages of South Asia located the children. Most were forced to sell themselves just to survive, while others lived in homes where a family member participated in sex work, putting the child at extreme risk.

Now, these brave survivors are taking their first steps toward a safer life. Besides joining a supportive community in a safe, secure home, the girls will participate in trauma resilience training and have the chance to pursue job training that will help them stay free. You can read about two survivors who studied phlebotomy post-rescue here.

16 Children are Free from Sexual Exploitation in Kenya

All the children have been enrolled in our programming to help equip them to advance into brighter futures free from exploitation.

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While most of the survivors were forced to sell their bodies to survive, four of the kids were being trafficked by the adults who should’ve been caring for them. We are currently working to provide these children safe, caring homes where they can learn to be kids again. We work with community leaders to find and vet local families that will give these kids the love they need. To read about one girl who benefited from this program, click here:

Meant for Good: Lydia’s Story – Destiny Rescue

15 Missing Children have been Rescued in Southeast Asia

The children were lured with fake job offers before being entrapped.

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These 15 kids, all between 13 and 16 years old, were forced into sex work and threatened with beatings if they didn’t comply. Our agents partnered with law enforcement to rescue the victims via multiple rescue operations. All the children have been safely reunited with their families.

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