Create your own fundraiser

Do what you love with purpose.


There is no easier way to get involved in the fight against child sex trafficking and exploitation than doing what you love or wish to achieve for yourself.

Invite your family, friends and colleagues to fundraise for a great cause. Share your fundraising idea with us and we will help you to set up your fundraiser online. We’ll even help to get the word out.

Let’s Go


Contact us to discuss your wonderful idea and we will get you started!

Contact us to discuss your wonderful idea and we will get you started!

#irescue – Puppy Breeding

Caroline Calloway saw the realities of child sex trafficking firsthand while traveling with Destiny Rescue on a team trip. She felt led to do something for those enslaved. She didn’t have much, but she did have labrador retrievers and a litter of puppies.


Ready to get started?

Register your fundraiser! If you need assistance, contact [email protected]

Let’s Go!